Southeast Asia's largest economy will ban social media platforms from engaging in e-commerce transactions What happened?

Release time:2023-09-28 17:10:42 Views:5374


In the past few days,E-commerce formats in Indonesia, the largest economy in Southeast Asia,Ushered in a series of milestone moments of change。

Indonesia's Minister of Trade, Zurkivli·Hassan made it clear in a public interview with the media on Tuesday that,The department is intensifying the development of e-commerce regulatory policies,The country will not allow social media platforms to engage in e-commerce transactions。

Minister Hassan stated that,The country is improving relevant laws in the field of e-commerce,This includes restricting social media platforms from being used only as channels for product promotion,But commodity trading cannot be conducted on such platforms。meanwhile,The Indonesian government will also restrict social media platforms from engaging in e-commerce activities simultaneously,To avoid the misuse of public data。

At the media conference on Monday,Minister Hassan also mentioned this matter。He stated that the connection between e-commerce and social media must be disconnected,such“Algorithms won't control everything”,It can also prevent personal data from being used for commercial purposes。

meanwhile,The Indonesian Ministry of Trade has also stated that it will establish rules for selling overseas goods on e-commerce platforms,And emphasize that these products will receive the same treatment as local offline products。Deputy Minister of Trade of IndonesiaJerry Sambuagaexpress,Sellers on short video platforms now,Being able to sell goods at a much lower price than the market price,Besides streamlining intermediaries,These sellers may also have bypassed the process required for the complete set of imported goods,Thus achieving a price advantage,This is also the part that the government wants to regulate。

Significantly,Indonesian President Joko publicly stated during his inspection of infrastructure projects last Saturday,Intensifying regulation of e-commerce business on social media platforms。This regulatory rule involves multiple departments,And it will be summarized and completed by the Ministry of Trade in the near future。

Zoko stated that,This regulation needs to be implemented as soon as possible,Because this will have an impact on small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia,And the impact of Indonesia's economic activities,Some markets' sales are due to this round(Social media e-commerce)Inflow begins to decline。

Everyone's lookingTikTok

For e-commerce active in the Indonesian market,The short video platform is undoubtedly the most affectedTikTok。withGMV(Total transaction amount of goods)calculate,The top two e-commerce platforms in Southeast Asia are from Donghai Group“Shrimp skin”(SHOPEE)And AlibabaLazada,Going forward isTokopediaandBukalapak,The fifth ranked one is exactlyTikTok Shop。

And Southeast Asia is exactly what it isTikTokAn extremely important market。Statistical data display,TikTokIn Indonesia, there are1.13Billion users,Second only to the United States globally(1.16Billion)。this year6-,TikTokCEO Zhou Shouzi also mentioned that the company is preparing for the next few years,Investing in Indonesian and Southeast Asian markets“Billions of dollars”。

According to media reports,TikTok Shopstay2022Total annual achievement44Billion dollarGMV,And the expectation within the company is to2023Pull this indicator to200USD100mn。

The Citigroup research team also pointed out in Tuesday's research report,Given thatTikTokand“Shrimp skin”The recent intense competition,The implementation of this policy will benefit a group of traditional e-commerce platforms,Especially for Donghai Group“Shrimp skin”。

Regarding the latest policy trends in Indonesia,TikTokThe spokesperson publicly responded that,The birth of social e-commerce is to solve the practical problems of local traditional small sellers,Match them with local creators,Help them increase traffic to online stores。While respecting local laws and regulations, the company,I also hope these regulations can take into account their impact onTikTok Shopexceed600Wanseller,And near700The impact of the livelihood of Wan related creators。

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