OnbuyHow do novices enter?OnbuyHow about this platform?What are the entry policies?

Release time:2023-02-09 15:54:46 Views:11458

OnbuyHow do novices enter?OnbuyHow about this platform?What are the entry policies?OnbuyAs a blue ocean rookie of the UK's local e-commerce platform,It is a good opportunity for novice sellers。

OnBuyThe platform is an intermediate platform,No self support mode,So there is no competition for the sellers of the platform。The platform is2016Online every year,Covers a variety of categories,Including cars、clothing、Health and beauty、science and technology、Toys, etc。

OnBuyFeatures of:

1.Safe and reliable e-commerce platform。Support multiple payment methods,Such as bank account,Credit cards, debit cards, etc。

2.AndRRPcomparison,Can save a lot of money。The commission fee of the seller platform is low,So they have the advantage of selling at a low price,So as to provide customers with the most favorable price。

3.Real product evaluation。OnBuyEncourage its platform buyers to leave comments,To help the buyers in the future make wise choices。

onbuyHow do novices enter

1、Entry threshold

1)Have experience in store operation of mainstream e-commerce platforms;

2)Identification code is required for goods on the shelf;

3)Provide business license。

2、Entry fee

OnBuy Platform sellers are divided into Standard(Normal standard seller)and Partner(Platform partners),The standard seller's monthly rent is 19 Euro per month,The monthly rent of platform partners is 89 Euro per month,In addition, the platform will charge sellers 5%-9% Sales commission of。It is noteworthy that,For new sellers,Monthly sales less than 500 euros,It can be exempted from shop rent。

3、Platform logistics and payment

OnBuy No own logistics service,Recommend sellers to use overseas warehouse。For self-delivery sellers,The logistics duration should be kept at 14 Within days,Up to 20 day,However, the seller is required to provide the local return address。

Platform collection andStripecooperation,In addition, it also supportsPayPal。Chinese sellers should havePaypalMake collection,The collection time limit is24hour。

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